Special thanks to MisterTea for this guide!

This guide aims to show and explain to players how to create Brainiac contraptions. People often ask how to create a weapon that Brainiac can use or how to use the e.blocks. This guide will explain those. We will be creating a basic Brainiac contraption, nothing too fancy, to show you how it all works.

Elements you will need

Aside from the basic Metal element and the Brainiac hero, you will also need:


The E.Spawner is used to spawn certain elements, including projectiles.


The Pulsar Module delivers a single electro when triggered.


The Switch Module will deliver electros continuously, like the battery element, when triggered.


The E.Block is a block that will open and close, like a door, when an electro is delivered to its switch.


When an electro is delivered to the E.Block Switch, any E.Blocks touching the switch will open or close.

Creating a weapon - Part 1

To create a custom weapon, you need the E.Spawner and any hero or vehicle that fires projectiles. For this guide we will be using the Arnold hero.

  1. Place the E.Spawner in the world.
  2. Place the hero or vehicle in the world, don't put it too close to the E.Spawner.
  3. Play-test the world to shoot at the E.Spawner with the hero or vehicle's weapon.
  4. You'll see the E.Spawner turn from dark green to light green as confirmation that it worked.
  5. Erase the hero/vehicle but keep the confirmed E.Spawner.

Creating a weapon (Part 2) and building your contraption.

The next step is to design the contraption or machine you want Brainiac to use. Here I created something simple and unfancy. i'm not sure what it is, let's just call it a "spaceship". You can see that I added Brainiac first and drew the contraption around him, so I know what size everything needs to be.

Now, remember that E.Spawner we had earlier? You need to attach that to your contraption. There are two ways to do this. Firstly you can build the contraption around the E.Spawner. Or you can use Brainiac himself to attach the E.Spawner to the contraption. I used the last method because with the first one it's easy to end up with a contraption that is weirdly shaped.

Here, I enter play-test mode and use Brainiac to pick up the E.Spawner and attach it to his contraption. Brainiac, as you can see, is very handy with helping you create and move things.

As you see, I have erased some of my spaceship to fit the weapon in. You can also see an orange-ish block, that is the Pulsar Module you saw earlier. You need this to fire your weapon by delivering an electro along the metal, in other words it is the trigger. Brainiac doesn't have to be physically touching the Pulsar Module for it to work, just the contraption it's attached to.

Test the contraption now. Use Brainiac to shoot the weapon by attaching himself to the contraption and pressing the Pulsar Module button that appears on the screen. The weapon will fire in the direction that the electro will come from, in this case the weapon will fire to the right.

PEW PEW PEW! I GOT ONE! PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW! MAN DOWN! PEW PEW... sorry. Anyway the weapon works! 😃

Keep on reading this guide to learn how to use the Switch Module and the E.Block / E.Block Switch.