The game is automatically saved to your Google Play Games/Gamecenter account after linking your account. 

You can connect to Google Play Games by following these steps:

-First, make sure you have on your device the App Google Play Games

-Then make sure you connect your Google account to the App.

-After that, open the game, and you should see the connection to the Play Games platform with your account. Be sure you connect your Google account to the App.

-Finally, open the game, and you should be prompted with a pop-up for the connection to play games platform with your account.

To connect to Game Center on your IOS Device you can follow these instructions:

-You need to make sure you have Game Center on your device:

-Once connected to Game Center, you will open the game and be prompted with a pop-up showing the progress in the cloud (GameCenter) and the local file, which is your device progress.

-Choose the button that shows the cloud, and your progress will be saved/recovered. 

If you do not wish to connect your game to Google Play Games/Gamecenter but keep your progress safe, it is advised to keep a screenshot of your player ID so that in case you lose your progress, you may reach out to our support team and we will be happy to help you recover your progress.